Hello brothers and sisters of Local 722,

As we say farewell to summer and prepare to welcome the new school year, it’s important to remember our shared commitment:

We Can, We Will, and We Must Prosper.

With the return to school just around the corner, both for our children and some of us, here are a few Back-to-School tips to help make the transition smoother:

Back-to-School Tips:

  1. School Supplies:
    Ensure your child is prepared with all necessary supplies like backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, rulers, calculators, and any other essentials they’ll need.
  2. School Clothes:
    Update your child’s wardrobe, if possible, to help them feel comfortable with their peers. Their comfort and confidence can make a big difference in how they perform at school.
  3. Vaccinations:
    Confirm that your child’s vaccinations are up to date. Many schools require proof of immunization, so it’s a good idea to check with your healthcare provider to ensure all necessary vaccines are administered.
  4. Routine and Sleep Schedule:
    Help your child adjust by gradually shifting their sleep schedule to align with school hours. This can ease the transition and reduce first-day jitters.

Wishing all our members and their families a smooth and enjoyable start to the school year!

Important Reminder for Union Members

The union has been facing some issues with members not using the correct language when calling out at both facilities. Please take note of the following:

  • Washington Hospital Center:
    When calling out due to illness, say that you want to use your Sick and Safe Leave (SSL). Ensure you have enough hours to cover your leave so that it won’t be considered a call out.
  • Children’s National Hospital:
    If you are calling out due to illness and wish to use your Accrued Sick and Safe Leave (ASSLA), make sure to state that you are using ASSLA to protect your call outs. Don’t forget to fill out the ASSLA form when you return to work.

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