Hello brothers and sisters of Local 722,

We can, we will, and we must reach out a helping hand to each other if we strive to achieve collectively.

As we enter the hot summer season, please stay hydrated and cool. Make sure you and your family are drinking plenty of water.

Both Children’s Hospital and Washington Hospital Center have received their annual pay increases. Be mindful that both contracts are scheduled to end on June 30, 2025. Let’s start bonding together as a union so we can fight for higher raises and fairness. June will be here before you know it. We need to start getting our minds together on things we want to change and things we do not want to give up. Remember, when we work together and fight collectively, we win together. However, divided, we accomplish less.

Speaking about reaching a hand out to others, on June 22, 2024, some of our union members helped an organization called No Child Hungry make and pack over 30,000 meals for hungry children. Everyone who participated had an awesome time blessing others. There are a lot of things that we take for granted in life, like food. Many people waste food all the time, maybe because we know where our next meal is coming from. But there are people all around the world less fortunate than we are. They have no idea when and where their next meal is coming from. This project focused on some kids who are not that fortunate, and we found it important to lend a hand.

Click here to download a PDF version of the July 2024 Newsletter

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