October 2023 Newsletter – Issue 160
We can We will and We must stay focused on the path of Righteousness
Hello brothers and sisters of Local 722, the school has started and the local has been giving out backpacks to our members with kids in school while supplies last. If you are a member and need a back pack call the office while supplies are available. I want to inform you that the Washington Hospital Center has started random locker searches. Please remember, the lockers are owned by your employer, they just allow you to use the locker to store your contents. No locker is exempt from the search from the 5th floor to the basement, the P.O.B. building and the East building. During the September 29th search, items were found that should not have been on hospital property and people were terminated. So Please don’t bring things to work that will get you in trouble.
Click here to download a PDF version of the October 2023 Newsletter