By the time that you receive this newsletter it will be Spring. Spring symbolizes a new beginning, a rebirth, and a revitalization. Hopefully, this Spring will include the elimination of the COVID-19 virus or at the very least a reduction in the contamination of the virus.

That being said, hopefully we can get back to our normal way of living and enjoying ourselves. We still need to be careful and safe in the way that we interact with each other, and continue with our safe practices. In line with that, we will be looking at when it may be safe to return to our social activities. Several activities that we have always planned throughout the year are the Retiree’s Luncheon, the Fishing Trips, the Cookout and of course the end of the year Union party.

Although we may not be able to have all the activities, we will strive to have as many as we can. Your health and safety is our greatest concern. As more and more principalities, such as D.C. and Prince George’s governments, open up more venues and relax the number of participants that can attend the venues, we will be able to determine what functions we may be able to have. Many may be on a first come, first served basis.

Also, we may be able to go back to having our membership meetings at the facilities and not on ZOOM. I enjoy seeing those of you who were attending the meetings and the interactions that we had. Remember the meetings are the third (3rd) Saturday of each month, whether they are live or on ZOOM.

Click here to download a PDF version of the April 2021 Newsletter

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