Greetings Local 722 Brothers and Sisters, I’m Barbara Taylor and I am an employee with 45 years tenure at the Washington Hospital Center. My plan has always been to retire in 2021 because I would have reached the appropriate age. Unfortunately, I have been forced to take an early retirement due to this COVID – 19 pandemic.

I’m fortunate that over the years the union has fought to get our members great benefits; FMLA is one of those benefits. I’m a 45 yr employee with underlying health issues that are covered under
the FMLA provisions, however, The Washington Hospital Center stated they could not honor my FMLA and suggested that I take a leave of absence. Taking a leave of absence means, not just No Income, but also No other benefits as well.

I’ve been a loyal employee for 45 yrs and during this pandemic the hospital is not being loyal to me. So to my brothers and sisters of local 722; I say stay united, you need one another in solidarity.

Please know that the union really does make a difference. To my fellow Executive Board Members; I say stay strong, supportive of one another, stay focused on the work needed to help our members, and remember you can always reach out when you need to consult with me. I had to make a decision concerning my health and I strongly believe I’m better off at home.

Thank you to everyone who gave me an opportunity to support them over the years and a big virtual hug to those of you who has supported me over my tenure. I wish you all well. Stay safe and healthy as you deal with these unprecedented times.

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