As many of you are now aware, I will not be running for my position as President of SEIU, Local 722. After being with the Local for over thirty-five years, the majority of which has been as the president, it is now time for me to move on to the next stage of my life. What that stage is I don’t exactly know, but I am sure it will include a lot of time with my grandchildren.

I would like to take this time to thank the many people who have congratulated me and have wished me the best in the future. I especially want to thank the many retirees that have called me and have sent me congratulation cards. One of my most fulfilling duties of being the president is presiding over the Retiree Luncheons that we would hold every year. Now I guess I will be sitting in the audience with you all.

My plan is to retire in February 2022. This allows me the opportunity to serve out my term until the new president takes office. This will also allow me to assist in the transition of the position. We want this transition to go as smoothly as possible and if asked to assist I will certainly do my best.

Click here to download a PDF version of the December 2021 Newsletter

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