This is probably my final article as the President of SEIU, Local 722.On Saturday, January 15, 2022, the ballots to elect the new Executive Board Members and Trustees were counted. Mr. Michael Jeter was voted in as the new President. I have been working alongside Mr. Jeter for over 12 years and I can honestly say that I believe you voted in a great person to move this union forward.

For Mr. Jeter to succeed he will need your help. Mr. Jeter and the Union as an organization will only be as strong as the membership. More than ever we must come together as an organization. I can not tell you how many times walking the hallways of the hospitals has someone asked me what is the Union going to do for them or what is the Union going to get for them in negotiations. The question is what are you going to do to help the Union get you what you want and deserve? The president is only as strong as the people backing him.

A lot of people believe that they are participating in the Union by simply paying their Union dues. There is an old saying that states, “To get what you want, you must do more than pay your dues.” Yes, dues are important, but more important is your participation in the Union. Participating in rallies, political activities, meetings, job actions, supporting other unions, elections, contract negotiations, are important, just to name a few.

Click here to download a PDF version of the February 2022 Newsletter

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