February 2021 Newsletter

Our wish has come true. Donald Trump was defeated in his bid to retain his presidency. But, the damage has been done. Even if you were a Trump supporter you have to admit that the social stability and consciousness of this country has taken a severe downturn. Systemic Racism still exists. This became clearly evident…


January 2021 Newsletter

What a year! What a year! What a year! The year 2020 was one of the most unique and troubling years that we have ever had. We suffered a virus that we were unable to control and get rid of and we suffered a President that we were unable to control and get rid of….


December 2020 Newsletter

Every once in awhile I find the need to remind you of your right to Union Representation. Especially when it comes to a meeting with your supervisor where you are being questioned and it could result in you possibly being disciplined. More and more, I find that our membership is attending meetings with Hospital management…


November 2020 Newsletter

By the time you receive this newsletter, hopefully, we will have a new President of the United States of America, or at least know who actually won the election. Either way, I hope that you voted in what will turn out to be one of the most important elections in the history of this country….


October 2020 Newsletter

This month my article has a very simple message: Vote Vote Vote Make sure you are registered to vote. Have a plan. Vote early if you can. Request a mail in ballot or absentee ballot if necessary. Tell your family and friends to make sure they vote. Help them get to the polls if you…


September 2020 Newsletter

It’s my Anniversary!! It has just dawned on me that by the time you receive this Newsletter I will have celebrated my 35th year anniversary with SEIU Local 722. I started my employment with the Local on September 5, 1985. It was my intention at that time to work for the Local no more than…