July 2020 Newsletter

Due to the untimely and tragic deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, there has been more attention on race relations in this country, than it has been since the Civil Rights movement in the 50’s, 60’s and early 70’s. I am old enough to remember the atrocities the Black Race had to…


June 2020 Newsletter

Again, I hope that everyone is healthy and is being safe. I thought that by the time this newsletter reached you that we would be out of this pandemic situation. Unfortunately that is not the case and it appears that it will not be the case in the near future. We must come to the…


May 2020 Newsletter

Dear Brothers and Sisters:Recently you received a letter from me telling you of some of the concerns that we had as a result of COVID-19 and the actions that we have taken to alleviate some of the hardships that it is causing many of us to face. Some of you may have received a copy…


April 2020 Newsletter

First of all, I hope that everyone is being safe and careful during this COVID – 19 pandemic. For me these are unprecedented times as the President of SEIU Local 722. As you can imagine, I have been bombarded with a lot of questions and scenarios concerning the impact of COVID – 19 at the…

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