News and Events

May 2021 Newsletter

May 7, 2021

Currently we are in contract negotiations with the MedStar Washington Hospital Center. As we have done in the past, you can follow negotiations on our website SEIU.ORG. We post the proposals that we have given to the Hospital and we also post the proposals that the Hospital presents to us. Many of you do not understand as we ask for changes in the contract, the Hospital also asks for additions or subtractions to the contract. […]


April 2021 Newsletter

April 15, 2021

By the time that you receive this newsletter it will be Spring. Spring symbolizes a new beginning, a rebirth, and a revitalization. Hopefully, this Spring will include the elimination of the COVID-19 virus or at the very least a reduction in the contamination of the virus. That being said, hopefully we can get back to our normal way of living and enjoying ourselves. We still need to be careful and safe in the way that […]


March 2021 Newsletter

March 1, 2021

What can you do? When I was a little boy around the age of seven (7) I recall a statement that was made by then President John F. Kennedy. I know that I am dating myself, but this statement to me was very profound. The statement went something like this, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” I think that this statement can also apply […]


February 2021 Newsletter

February 9, 2021

Our wish has come true. Donald Trump was defeated in his bid to retain his presidency. But, the damage has been done. Even if you were a Trump supporter you have to admit that the social stability and consciousness of this country has taken a severe downturn. Systemic Racism still exists. This became clearly evident when the Capitol Building was stormed by ardent Trump supporters and domestic terrorists.. I recall as a child watching on […]


January 2021 Newsletter

January 2, 2021

What a year! What a year! What a year! The year 2020 was one of the most unique and troubling years that we have ever had. We suffered a virus that we were unable to control and get rid of and we suffered a President that we were unable to control and get rid of. Hopefully, by the time that you receive this newsletter we will have developed an antidote for COVID-19 and former President […]


December 2020 Newsletter

December 1, 2020

Every once in awhile I find the need to remind you of your right to Union Representation. Especially when it comes to a meeting with your supervisor where you are being questioned and it could result in you possibly being disciplined. More and more, I find that our membership is attending meetings with Hospital management without requesting the presence of a Union Representative. Be it with Personnel, Employee Relations, your Supervisor or the Presidents of […]


November 2020 Newsletter

November 19, 2020

By the time you receive this newsletter, hopefully, we will have a new President of the United States of America, or at least know who actually won the election. Either way, I hope that you voted in what will turn out to be one of the most important elections in the history of this country. There were many roadblocks placed in front of us, such as COVID-19, voter suppression, voter intimidation, race baiting, etc. There […]


October 2020 Newsletter

November 19, 2020

This month my article has a very simple message: Vote Vote Vote Make sure you are registered to vote. Have a plan. Vote early if you can. Request a mail in ballot or absentee ballot if necessary. Tell your family and friends to make sure they vote. Help them get to the polls if you have to. Click here to download a PDF version of the October Newsletter


September 2020 Newsletter

August 28, 2020

It’s my Anniversary!! It has just dawned on me that by the time you receive this Newsletter I will have celebrated my 35th year anniversary with SEIU Local 722. I started my employment with the Local on September 5, 1985. It was my intention at that time to work for the Local no more than five (5) years. Like many of you that work at the hospitals I look up and realize that it has […]


August 2020 Newsletter

July 27, 2020

While we all have been enduring these unprecedented times of COVID – 19, society has been dealing with even more pandemics. The unrest on the streets of America is not the results of some new pandemic that’s hit society. Systemic racism has pleaged America for over 400 yrs. People of African decent have been raising their voices all of our lives while the rest of society kept theirs closed for many different reasons (so they […]

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