News and Events
October 2023 Newsletter – Issue 160
We can We will and We must stay focused on the path of Righteousness Hello brothers and sisters of Local 722, the school has started and the local has been giving out backpacks to our members with kids in school while supplies last. If you are a member and need a back pack call the office while supplies are available. I want to inform you that the Washington Hospital Center has started random locker searches.…
Read More...September 2023 Newsletter – Issue 159
We can We will and We must stay focused on the path of Righteousness Hello brothers and sisters of Local 722. Another summer has passed and it is time for a new school year to begin. Please continue to support your children on their new adventures in life for they are our future leaders. We had a very successful beach day on August 19, 2023 as workers from Washington Hospital Center and Children’s National experienced…
Read More...August 2023 Newsletter – Issue 158
We can We will and We must stay focused on the path of Righteousness We Can We Will & We Must hold ourselves accountable for our actions. Brothers and sisters of Local 722, I’m very concerned that at Washington Hospital Center and at Children’s National Hospital the “Time and Attendance” cases are rising tremendously. Yes, 85% of the write ups we are getting is for time and attendance. And the majority of them end in…
Read More...July 2023 Newsletter – Issue 157
We Can We Will & We Must : continue to strive for greatness !! Hello brothers and sisters of Local 722. There are several market adjustments on the table at both Washington Hospital Center and Children’s National. Although these adjustments will not be for everyone, they will positively impact hundreds of our members. Also, please be mindful that your next across the board pay increases go in effect the first full paycheck in July. The…
Read More...May 2023 Newsletter – Issue 156
We can We will and We must stay focused on the path of Righteousness Summer time is here and I hope that everyone will have a chance to take some time off to enjoy your summer vacations with your family and friends. I pray that every mother enjoyed a great Mother’s Day and that each of you enjoyed spending quality time on this special day with you mothers. The “LOVE” for a mother shall never…
Read More...August 2022 Newsletter – Issue 148
We can We will and We must stay focused on the Labor Movement. Great Day Brothers and Sisters of Local 722. The Ocean City Trip has been rescheduled for August 20, 2022. The new time of departure for the buses is 4:00 am. The return time will stay the same. We have started a new physical year. Look for good things to happen this year. Our negotiation team at Children’s has just finished obtaining a…
Read More...July 2022 Newsletter – Issue 147
Hello Brothers and Sisters of Local 722. Recently several newly elected Executive Board members attended the CBTU Conference in Los Angeles so they can get better acquainted with what the union is all about. Here’s a little something for you to know about CBTU.Since the earliest days of this nation when democracy was built on racial exploitation, black workers have risked their lives to protect and empower their communities through agitation, collective action and faith.…
Read More...June 2022 Newsletter
We Will We Must stay focused and continue to fight for justice. Hello brothers and sisters of Local 722, please pay attention to the union bulletin boards at both hospitals for upcoming events and dates such as: family day at the skating rink, local political issues and candidates who are running for positions in Maryland and the District of Columbia, and a day of fun in the sun as Local 722 head to the beach…
Read More...February 2022 Newsletter
This is probably my final article as the President of SEIU, Local 722.On Saturday, January 15, 2022, the ballots to elect the new Executive Board Members and Trustees were counted. Mr. Michael Jeter was voted in as the new President. I have been working alongside Mr. Jeter for over 12 years and I can honestly say that I believe you voted in a great person to move this union forward. For Mr. Jeter to succeed…
Read More...January 2022 Newsletter
Happy New Year to Everyone. I praise God for all of us that have made it to see another year. Many of our members, families, and friends were impacted by the pandemic and we must not forget those we lost along the way as we move forward. We have survived a challenging year and now we are transitioning to what is still ahead of us. As with the box above turning over from 2021 to…